

Add E-mail Addresses to "Your Favorites"


If you frequently send websites to friends, you will appreciate this tip.  You can put an email address into your Internet Explorer Favorites menu.   This way, when you want to send a website to that person, you don’t have to open your email program;  all you have to do is click on the Favorite.

Here’s how:

Open the Favorites menu and click Add to Favorites.  In the Add Favorite window that you now see, remove whatever is in the Name box and type in the name of the person whose email address you are going to set up.   Click the OK button.

Now,  we adjust the favorite so it points to the e-mail address and not to a web page.  If the Favorites menu is not displayed, open it.   Find the Favorite you just added and right-click on it.  Left click on Properties in the resulting menu.

The Properties window will open.   Remove whatever is in the URL box.   Type in  mailto:  followed by your friend’s email address  (no spaces).   Click OK.

When you click on the Favorite, Outlook will open.  A new email window will display with your friend’s address already typed in – all you have to do is write your email and send it.


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