

Finding Your Way

A Study of G.P.S. / Route Planner systems versus The Atlas.

By Riyan Productions.

Never before has so much technology been available to the average motorist - particularly when it comes to planning a route to your final destination. In these days of Global Positioning Satelite systems, and high tech computer services, considering it is quite possible to pin-point a target to within a three foot radius over thousands of miles, one would be led to believe that a trip from Rugby to Warwick (both being in the same county) would be simple.

No! Nothing could be further from the truth! As my job involves a great deal of travelling, the better half likes to find out where I'm going, and the approximate route that I'll be taking. The easiest way for her to do this is by using a route planner on the computer, and has produced some surprises in the results. There is a wide selection of these navigational programmes to choose from, and the results can be, without question, alarming in some cases.

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A recent job from Rugby to Richmond via Warwick was the centre of her attention most recently - and the AA route planner was called into action. What she discovered was too funny to keep to herself, as she demonstrated later on my return. According to the site, the best route from Rugby to Warwick involves a route consisting of the M1, M25, and M40 respoectively. While not knowing the exact mileage for this route, I estimate it to be considerably longer (by about 130 miles) than my favoured alternative - A426, A45, A46.(total circa 22 miles). At first, I looked at the route in incredulity; then mirth! Please bear in mind that this is not the only erronious information on this site!

G.P.S. systems fare no better - for the 4 mile run from house to compound, it's vitually a straight line. Not according to the G.P.S., which would have me travelling via M1, M45, and so on (around 22 miles). In conclusion, the old fashioned navigational methods have the vote hands down - get armed with an Atlas, and get to your location cheaper and quicker, without the need for expensive technology which, on the strength of this evidence, just isn't worth the having! Oh, and while on the subject, the Atlas I recommend is produced for - wait for it - the AA!

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© RIYAN Productions
