

Weegies and Edinbuggers

Submitted by Mel Evans


A good, honest, God-fearing Weedgie plumber dies, but he forgets his tools and goes back for them. Because of this delay, he ends up on the wrong train and lands down in Hell instead of upstairs.

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The Devil sees his chance, and puts him to work. Within a couple of weeks he's got the boiler over-heating problem sorted out, and he's even got the air conditioning working, and he's starting to get the faulty sewage system going, so Satan's pretty pleased with himself.

The phone (the hot line naturally) from Heaven rings with a request from upstairs, they've noticed the admin cock-up, and want the plumber sent back.

"No Chance," replies Satan, "we've got him and we're keeping him!"

"We'll sue," says the voice from upstairs, "he's a Glescae man!"

"You've No Chance!" says the Devil. "All the lawyers are either down here or in Edinburgh!"

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- - and for those Northerners: -

An Aberdonian has won the lottery, and splashed out on a new carburettor for his Mk1 Cortina

© RIYAN Productions
